Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. “Normal” weather isn’t so normal anymore. Climate change is, well, changing things. Normal weather is just not happening as o昀琀en. In the U.S., Texas had super cold weather in the winter of 2021 that caused pipes to freeze, burst, and 昀氀ood people’s homes. That’s not normal. In Argentina, January 2022 temperatures in Buenos Aires were some of its hottest weather in 115 years. It was so hot that people got really sick. Events like these are happening all over the place. CCaaccttuus ps pllaanntts gs grrow iow in wn waarrm m cclliimmaatteess. W. Whheen in it st snnowows is in n wwaarrm pm pllaacceess, i, itt’’s a ss a siiggn n Have you noticed weird tthhaat tt thhe ce clliimmaatte ie is cs chhaannggiinngg.. weather where you live? 25 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.