Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. What’s weather and what’s climate? What’s it like there right now? Sunny? Snowy? You most likely answered fast. Because you know what weather is. TThhe ce clliimmaatte ae at st skki mi moouunnttaaiinns is is s But what about climate? For your mission, it’s uussuuaalllly cy coolldd, b, buut bt beeccaauusse oe of cf clliimmaatte e important to know about both. cchhaanngge te thheerree’’s ns now low leesss ss snnowow.. Climate is what the weather is usually like in an area over a long time. For example, the climate in Mexico is warm. That’s normal in Mexico. The climate in Canada is cooler than Mexico. That’s normal there. 24 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.