Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. - Blackouts - Laggy internet “It’s probably - Cell phone service outages SSqquiruirrreellss a arree g geettttiningg - Flooded basements cchhuubbbbiieer br beeccaauusse le leesss s climate change.” - Frozen gutters ssnnow cow coovveer ar allllowows ts thheem m - Fallen trees tto 昀椀o 昀椀nnd md moorre fe foooodd.. When you hear people - Potholes - Mold talk about these things, - Cracked pavement - Disease-carrying remind them, “it’s - Asthma mosquitoes probably climate change.” - Allergies - Chubby squirrels - Fewer ski days - Wildfires - Pollution - Drought - Playground slides - Heavy downpours that are too hot to use - Heatwaves “One time, we were going to a baseball game — me and my dad — and right as we got into the stands, it got rained out.” 26 Ivan, Age 8, Minneapolis, MN