SECTION 6 - Solutions 12+, Math, Science, & Social Studies How Much Do Your New Pants Really Cost? P1 AGE RANGE: 12+ SUBJECTS: Math, Science, & Social Studies OBJECTIVES • De昀椀ne the terms: Greenwashing, lifecycle, greenhouse gasses. • Identify, examine, and analyze the positive and negative changes to carbon emissions from purchasing new garments. • Come up with a personal clothes-buying strategy based on lowering the volume of greenhouse gasses. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 90 minutes • Becoming a thoughtful consumer is important to the PREPARATION: health of our planet • Advance homework: Have the learners read or listen to someone reading the articles listed above aloud. • Ask learners to bring a garment to class with labels detailing: • composition of materials used in manufacturing the garment • country where the garment was produced • washing and care instructions. PRESENTATION (10 MINUTES): Present the product life-cycle framework/pie chart (next page) Some de昀椀nitions the learners will need to complete this activity: • natural 昀椀ber: either plant or animal-based; examples include cotton, silk, linen, wool, or hair (camel hair, mohair, & angora). • synthetic: made from chemicals that are derived from coal, petroleum, or natural gas; examples include polyester, nylon, spandex, synthetic furs or leather, polar 昀氀eece, and others. • hybrid: a mix or blend of natural and synthetic 昀椀bers. PARTNER OR GROUP WORK (30 MINUTES): • Each learner looks at the tags on their own garments and shares with their partners: • The composition of the material , Country of manufacture, Care instructions • Learners build a matrix on paper or computer for each garment as shown on next page (this can be done together). • Learners answer questions with guesstimates. • How long will they wear this item? • Will you replace this garment? ʦ If no, then explore what happens when you discard the garment. ʦ If yes, then guesstimate how much greenhouse gas the purchase will put into the Earth’s atmosphere when you buy a new garment. • Each learner formulates a strategy to maximize their wardrobe while lowering greenhouse gasses. PRESENTATION (30 MINUTES): • Each group presents their “aha” moments about their habits. ASSESSMENTS: • Each learner writes down their personal strategies and submits to the educator. RESOURCES: T • The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Fast Fashion and Carbon, p.162/ 101 • The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Greenwashing and Recycling Theater, p.160/ 089 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: The Plastic Lifecycle, p.78/ 027 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: The True Cost of Plastic, p.79/ 346 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: Recycling Paper, p.89/ 372 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: CO2 Emissions from Global Shipping, p.83/ 373 • Ask learners to bring one piece of fashion clothing with composition labels 45

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