SECTION 6 - Solutions 12+, Economics & Civics Replacing the Automobile AGE RANGE: 12+ SUBJECTS: Economics & Social Studies LEARNING OUTCOMES • Identify the transportation modes that create the most greenhouse gasses and thoughtfully present possible alternatives to the automobile. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 50 minutes • Automobile alternatives for the 21st century READ (10 MINUTES): • Ask learners to read ʦ The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Electric Vehicles, p.167/ 100 ʦ The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Energy-E昀케cient Cars, p.169/ 226 • While reading, ask learners to think about the last time they traveled anywhere NOT in a car. DISCUSS (15 MINUTES): • As a full class or in small teams, discuss “Replacing the automobile.” ʦ How does the use of the automobile a昀昀ect greenhouse gas emissions? ʦ Where are electric vehicle sales the most robust? Why? ʦ What alternative modes of transportation could work in your life? RESEARCH (10 MINUTES): • Using the discussion questions as a prompt, ask learners to begin researching ways they can reduce their dependence on the automobile. • Instruct learners to keep a list of alternative modes of transportation. SHARE OUT (10 MINUTES): • As a full class, ask for several learners to share one item of interest from their research. HOMEWORK (5 MINUTES): • “A Letter to the Mayor”: Based on what you’ve discovered, your task is to write a single page letter to the mayor of your town (500 words or less). ʦ Explain to your mayor how your community can reduce its dependency on the automobile. ʦ Be polite and professional. • Optional: Have the class send emails to the mayor instead of letters. • Extension or Enhancement Activity: Encourage learners to make connections with local government and business leaders by sending emails or calling local representatives who are already advocating for automobile replacements (such as bicycle shop owners). T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Electric Vehicles, p.167/ 100 • The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Energy-Efficient Cars, p.169/ 226 44

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