SECTION 6 - Solutions How Much Do Your New Pants Really Cost?P2 Sample Matrix with some possible answers shown Raw Material How was raw material Fabric produced What kind of Guesstimate how produced? equipment was used much greenhouse to make and then gas was generated transport fabric & fuel used? Fabric Polymer Mixing of macroglycol Spandex A multitude of (add together the With diisoscyante- processes and greenhouse gasses it is a totally human- machinery is used to from farming plus the made product produce this 昀椀ber, then factory equipment the 昀椀ber is spun and to arrive at your 昀椀nally woven. guesstimation) Country of Viet Nam Truck to port, cargo manufacture ship, truck to retailer Care Wash in cold instructions water Water heater, washing machine, dryer or clothesline 46