SECTION 2 - Climate Change for Rookies 8+, Arts, Science, & Social Studies Goldilocks Tackles Climate Change AGE RANGE: 8+ SUBJECTS: Arts, Science, & Social Studies OBJECTIVES • Gain knowledge about the environment through reading and through the cartoon • Assess values, attitudes and commitment needed to protect and improve the environment. • Create new patterns of behavior by identifying, categorizing, and depicting behaviors that they currently exhibit, will exhibit soon, and aspire to exhibit in the future. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • One 50-minute class period • Adopting New Habits combined with Envisioning Future Actions creates Global Citizens committed to protecting and improving the environment. ACTIVITIES - WITH PRINTED WORKSHEET • Distribute printed or digital worksheet “Goldilocks Tackles Climate Change.” • Tell the learners that they are going to learn about current environmental concerns using articles from The Carbon Almanac. • Have learners independently read the opening paragraph of the worksheet. Learners will be directed to read The Carbon Almanac article “The Wizard, the Prophet, the Ostrich” in the Introduction section of the Almanac. • Have learners independently read The Carbon Almanac article “Climate change actions from large to small” in the Climate Change for Rookies section of the almanac. • Learners follow worksheet instructions ACTIVITIES - WITHOUT PRINTED WORKSHEET • Tell learners that they are going to learn about current environmental concerns using articles from The Carbon Almanac. • Shares the cartoon entitled “Goldilocks Tackles Climate Change” found in the article “Getting Started with Climate Action.” Class will discuss what is depicted and predict what the assignment might be • As a class, read the article “The Wizard, the Prophet, the Ostrich” • As a class, review the lists found on “Climate change actions from large to small” • Learners will choose two or three actions from each section: Enormous Impacts, Medium Impacts, Small Impacts, and list either as a class or independently. These are actions that the learners 昀椀nd compelling. This can be done on a white/black board, Smartboard, overhead projector, etc. • Learners refer back to the cartoon “Goldilocks Tackles Climate Change” discussed at the beginning of class. Using the list they created, learners will choose three impacts to illustrate: TOO BIG of an action for now, TOO SMALL of an action for now, JUST RIGHT of an action for now. The learners may choose from any of the three sections as they please. • Learners will create three cartoons that illustrate their choices. SHARING AND ASSESSMENT: • Learners may share their cartoons in whole group discussion, small groups, or pairs. • Cartoons may be displayed as culminating activity. • Assessment may be determined by completion and/or based on e昀昀ort. T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Introduction: The Wizard, the Prophet, the Ostrich, p.12/ 002 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: Climate Change Actions from Large to Small, p.36-37/ 757 • The Carbon Almanac - Getting Started With Climate Action, p.303/ 162 • Generation Carbon, An Almanac for Kids, ebook, p.46 - p.52 • Goldilocks Tackles Climate Change” worksheet • Pencil, colors optional, Paper 18

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