SECTION 2 - Climate Change for Rookies How to Live in a Carbon-Neutral World by 2050, OPT 2, P2 ACTIVITIES SECOND SESSION: • Show examples of storyboards to explain what they are and their purpose in the creative process. • Learner production teams 昀椀nalize their script for their stop-motion project and create a detailed storyboard including dialogue, sound e昀昀ects and music. • Each group presents their storyboards to the class (5 minutes for each team). • Fellow learners give feedback to the presenters by asking questions, not criticizing. • Production teams make corrections to their storyboards based on the feedback of their peers. ACTIVITIES SECOND AND THIRD SESSION: • Using a software package, like Stop Motion Studio and their phones, the learners will shoot, edit, and produce a short stop-motion animation that can include sound e昀昀ects, voice overs, and music. They will also be able to upload their work to a public social media platform of their choosing. (Note: this is the most time intensive and the engaging output for this activity.) ASSESSMENTS • Share with class • Share with others in their community: For example, present at school assemblies, to family members, and community. • Partnering with the adults in their lives is a good 昀椀rst step into engaging with the wider community that is populated by adult decision-makers. These presentations could lead to presenting to local government o昀케cials, business leaders, and others who provide a wider circle for these children to in昀氀uence. T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: What is Net Zero, p.30-31/ 755 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: Climate Change Actions from Large to Small, p.36-37/ 757 • Guide to Lego Stop-Motion • Net-zero living: How your day will look in a carbon-neutral world • Computers with access to internet for research • Low-cost effective software package like Stop Motion Studio which works on Apple and Android/windows-based phones and the company does have school discounts • Tripod for holding phones • Smartphone for recording images and sound • Lego bricks and characters • Art materials 17