Worksheet: Goldilocks Tackles Climate Change,P1 WHICH ACTION FEELS JUST RIGHT? Hello Learner! As you can see in the cartoon above, Goldilocks has ventured out of the woods and is now in the city. She is noticing that the earth needs her help, but some tasks feel too big and some tasks feel too small. This is how many people feel when they are faced with big problems that seem unsolvable. Some people might become so overwhelmed, they decide to pretend the problems don’t exist. Does that feel “just right” to you? Probably not! Read “The Wizard, the Prophet, the Ostrich” from p.002 of The Carbon Almanac. You are going to learn about some environmental problems that are a昀昀ecting the earth today, and examine how you can be a good global citizen like Goldilocks. You will determine what actions you are taking now, and what you can do in the future. Read through the article “Climate Change Actions From Large to Small” p.757 from The Carbon Almanac. Choose two or three problems from each category that interest you and list them in the boxes underneath each category. (Whatever you choose is 昀椀ne! You can’t get this wrong Enormous Problems Medium Problems Small Problems 19