Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Here’s a fun way you can help today…well, technically tonight: Take the Bedtime Story Challenge. It’s not what you think. (Or maybe it is, because you’ve de昀椀nitely already noticed the picture on this page.) If you choose to take this challenge you P.S. If you prefer not to post are going to read to your grown-up. This book. As a on social media, you can bedtime story. We know it’ll be great. always hang the photo on Make sure to get a good photo of the moment. your fridge to remind your Then ask your grown-up to post it on social media, household of the important saying something like: “Best bedtime story ever! I work you’re doing. learned about climate change tonight.” Add the hashtag #GenerationCarbon. Or talk about it. “I read my This will help to spread the word, so we can grown-up a bedtime story all help to save our planet. last night,” is a fun way to get someone’s attention. 9 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.