Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. More actions that make a di昀昀erence! - Turn o昀昀 the lights you don’t need. Wasted electricity means more carbon that’s released. - Run a class contest to see who can keep - Close doors right away so heat their pencil for the longest amount of doesn’t escape. time. It’s important to not throw things away when they are still useful. Because - Borrow items like jewelry, tools, carbon is released to make things too. and games so factories don’t release - Ask your principal to turn down the heat carbon making new stu昀昀. to instantly reduce the carbon being - Next time you choose your meal, released. Especially if kids are wearing choose a veggie burger. Or make the shorts in the colder months! bean burger recipe from this book. 53 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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