Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Activity: Planet-saving cra昀琀: Class T-shirts. Instructions by Jodi Levine for Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Bright T-shirts can help your teacher make sure the whole class stays together on a 昀椀eld trip and show your school spirit. But it’s not cool to wear a shirt that says, “3rd Graders Rock” when you’re in 4th grade. So, class shirts tend to get tossed a昀琀er just a few wears. For your next class party or 昀椀eld trip, make these bright class T-shirts. But don’t take them home – leave them for your teacher to use year a昀琀er year. This way, T-shirts will stay out of land昀椀lls. Forward to your teacher, scout leader, or class parent. 54 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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