Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Will these Here are just a few of the animals survive animals at risk right now: climate change? - Adélie penguins - Emperor penguins - African forest elephants - Green sea turtles Climate change is right here, right - Asian elephants - Hippopotamuses now. Every living thing on our - Atlantic puffins - Leatherback turtles planet will be a昀昀ected. - Bengal tigers - Monarch butterflies Many animals are already - Black-headed - Mountain gorillas su昀昀ering. Some can’t have babies. squirrel monkeys - North atlantic Some can’t 昀椀nd food. Others can’t - Bumblebees right whales live in the warmer temperatures. - Darwin’s frogs - Polar bears - Duck-billed platypuses - Snow leopards And the thousands of bugs and insects you’ve never heard of. 38 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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