Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. What is fast fashion? What can you do about fast fashion? Stores used to display new clothing 4 - Wear hand-me-downs and share times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer, clothes with others. and Fall. Now new clothes appear in - Ask adults to shop at second-hand stores every week — that’s 52 times a stores. Bonus: Second-hand jeans are year! In the last 20 years, the amount of soft and broken in. clothing made has doubled. - Mend clothing that’s ripped. People want to be stylish, so they - Toss your backpack in the washer to buy more new clothes and trash the “old” clean it instead of buying a new one. ones. And we know what happens when something goes to the land昀椀ll. Bojo Bandango, courtesy of the ‘The Big PickSure Book’ by OuiChoose. Tap/click to check the website out! 37 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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