SECTION 4 - Scenarios 12+ History, Science, & Social Studies Creating the World I Want,P1 AGE RANGE: 12+ History, Science, & Social Studies SUBJECTS: OBJECTIVES • Move from climate change as an abstract idea to something concrete with self-directed actions attached that they can achieve. • Describe the e昀昀ects of increasing levels of carbon in the earth’s atmosphere and link the e昀昀ects to human behavior. • Imagine how humans can change in a way that would have a positive impact on the environment in the next 30, 50 or 100 years to move our planet closer to being carbon neutral. • Predict the e昀昀ects of the changes they imagine DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 4 or 5, 40-minute periods • Participants imagine a carbon-neutral world they help create. ACTIVITIES FIRST SESSION: • Read the two articles in class or as homework: ʦ The Carbon Almanac - Scenarios: Understanding the Five Scenarios, p. 96/ 039 ʦ The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: What is Net Zero, p.30-31/ 755 • As a group or in smaller groups discuss the concept of Net Zero and why is it important. • Brainstorm ways to achieve Net Zero, personally, as a family, a school, a town. • Speculate what happens if we do nothing and keep doing what we’ve been doing, asking what our world will look like in 30 years? • As a large group, share key learnings. ACTIVITIES SECOND SESSION: • Describe, either in writing or verbally, the e昀昀ects of increasing levels of carbon in the earth’s atmosphere and link the e昀昀ects they describe to human behavior. 1. In general (list 3 things, e.g.: driving a car when a bicycle or walking could be used) 2. Speci昀椀cally to the learner (list one thing, e.g.: not using a hairdryer, or hanging the wash on a clothesline instead of using a dryer) • Imagine how humans can change in a way that would have a positive impact on the environment in the next 30, 50 or 100 years to move our planet closer to being carbon neutral. • Predict the e昀昀ects of the changes they imagine in objective 2. Educator: decide if you want your learners to work individually or in small groups moving forward. Also at play here is the learners’ sense of time and urgency. We recommend that you allow your learners to decide for themselves what period of time will be covered in their projects: 30, 50 or 100 years. T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Scenarios: Understanding the Five Scenarios, p. 96/ 039 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: What is Net Zero, p.30-31/ 755 • The Carbon Almanac -Impacts: Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change, p.135/ 074 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: Climate Change Actions from Large to Small, p.36-37/ 757 • Art supplies • Recording equipment /smart phones • Laptops • Research materials (websites, articles, books, interviews, etc) 26

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