SECTION 4 - Scenarios Creating the World I Want,P2 ACTIVITIES THIRD SESSION: • Using the information from the two articles write two di昀昀erent outlines/plotlines - choose a time period 30, 50, or 100 years from today to use for both scenarios: 1. The 昀椀rst plot line: what will Earth look like in 30 (or 50 or 100) years if we change nothing. These outlines or plotlines indicate essential turning points which lead to your learners’ projected conclusion. These can be constructed in outline form or as a timeline. 2. The second plot line: what will Earth look like in 30 (or 50 or 100) years if we do change. These outlines or plotlines indicate essential turning points which lead to the learners’ projected conclusion. Again, these can be constructed in outline form or timeline. ACTIVITIES FOURTH SESSION: • Using the scenarios, create one of the following (as individuals or in small groups): All work must be produced from research-based evidence. Multiple sources must be used and cited. A. A short story that compares the two scenarios. B. Stop-motion animations (there are some resources listed in the “How to live in a carbon neutral world by 2050” for stop-motion animation). C. Graphic novel that compares the two scenarios. D. Short videos. E. Build 2 dioramas contrasting the two scenarios. F. Produce a commercial for a product that people living 30 (or 50 or 100) years from now need or value. (This activity requires the learner to draw, illustrate, or build the product before they shoot their commercial). Note: Provide several periods in-class for learners to gather information and work on their projects. ASSESSMENT: • During a class period, learners share their creations and list the reliable sources that were used for the research. As they present their work they should include: 1. Key point(s) learned by doing their project 2. What they think could be done in the present time to achieve a more favorable outcome. 3. What they are willing to do to produce the more favorable outcome. T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Scenarios: Understanding the Five Scenarios, p. 96/ 039 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: What is Net Zero, p.30-31/ 755 • The Carbon Almanac -Impacts: Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change, p.135/ 074 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: Climate Change Actions from Large to Small, p.36-37/ 757 • Art supplies • Recording equipment /smart phones • Laptops • Research materials (websites, articles, books, interviews, etc) 27

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