SECTION 7 - Whose Job Is It? The Spirit of Change,P2 ACTIVITIES: GROUP DISCUSSION: Whole group or small groups. Use the following questions: • What is a leader? • Who do you think of when I say the word leader? [Note: at this point in the unit, the learners’ answers may not be environmental leaders] • What makes them “enviromental leaders”? • What are some of the characteristics of this leader? • How does leadership apply to climate change? • What is the style of the people on your list? • Why you are drawn to their message (both spoken and demonstrated or shown) RESEARCH: • Ask the learners to choose one leader that inspires them from the articles (or from the web) - one they personally identify with because of the leader’s message and style: Note: You know your learners and classroom resources best. Time and access to resources such as computers or phones for research will a昀昀ect when the learners can complete their assessments. • Learners consult and document 2 other resources about that person (so they have a total of 3 resources), it can be another article in The Carbon Almanac, an online posting or article, a magazine, a youtube video of a speech they gave, anything that exposes the learner to the person’s message. • Learners dentify their chosen leader’s: ʦ Message ʦ The media they are using ʦ The group/community they are talking to/targeting ʦ The style they are using CREATION • Learners create samples based on and inspired by the work of the leader they have chosen, such as but not limited to: ʦ a post on social media (TikTok, Instagram, blog post, etc.) ʦ an artwork (photography, installation, painting, song, etc.) ʦ an activity (event at school, day of action, etc.) ʦ a program (peer-support group, waste reduction program at the cafeteria, educational campaign, etc.) SHARING ASSESSMENTS WITH THEIR COMMUNITY: • Display or perform in a public space such as a library, school function, town square • Post to a social media platform (using hashtags #CarbonAlmanacLearning, #EDUCarbonAlmanac) Note: Rubric for assessment Is based on the e昀昀ort put in their chosen project, how well learners were able to identify the message, the media they are using, the target group/community, and the style used. ONE STEP FURTHER: If your learners are deeply engaged in this idea of environmental activism, lead a brainstorm session about other potential local and digital venues to share the work they created. T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Leading the Way: Influential Artists and Climate, p.282/ 142 • 10 Inspiring Climate Activists List • NAAEE Change Fellowship 50

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