SECTION 7 - Whose Job Is It? 12+, Arts, Literature, & Social Studies The Spirit of Change,P1 AGE RANGE: 12+ Arts, Literature, & Social Studies SUBJECTS: OBJECTIVES • List the qualities of a change-maker. • Identify messages that change-makers say or do. • Create an electronic post/artwork/program “in the spirit” of their work. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 3, 30-45 minute sessions • How change makers/leaders make change • Additional time for sharing assessments PREPARATION: Read articles as homework activity or provide class time for learners to read the articles before the session. • 354/Climate change for rookies: What is climate change? • 139/Global climate youth activists • 142/In昀氀uential artists and climate • 143/Leaders of civics programs addressing environmental issues INTRODUCTION Our weather and climate are changing and not for the better. Human behavior is responsible for most of this change. People, young and old, are organizing a social movement all over our planet to stop or reverse some of these changes. There have been other social movements throughout history: for human rights, voting rights for African-American citizens, equal pay for equal work, and women’s rights to name a few. An important element of a social movement is leadership. Political leaders are critical of social movements because they upset the status quo, inspire commitment, mobilize resources, create and recognize opportunities and devise strategies. They also frame demands and in昀氀uence outcomes. Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (pronounced shu-tez-cot) is an example of a young leader of the environmental social movement. He is an American environmental activist and a hip hop artist. Xiuhtezcatl’s message: Inspire youth to become leaders and take action while raising awareness on climate issues (Quote: “The biggest challenge we face is shifting human consciousness, not saving the planet. The planet doesn’t need saving. We do.”) Xiuhtezcatl uses his hip hop music to convey his message. Website • Instagram • Speeches on YouTube • interviews Xiuhtezcatl’s Style: down-to-earth talking directly to youth, authentic T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: What Is Climate Change?, p.20/ 354 • The Carbon Almanac - Leading the Way: Global Climate Youth Activists, p.274/ 139 • The Carbon Almanac - Leading the Way: Influential Artists and Climate, p.282/ 142 • The Carbon Almanac - Leading the Way: Leaders of Civics Programs Addressing Environmental Issues, p.280/ 143 49

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