SECTION 3 - Here’s What’s True 12+, Math & Science Computing and Carbon AGE RANGE: 12+ Math & Science SUBJECTS: OBJECTIVES • Determine how much carbon is produced from their own and their classmates’ daily computer/device usage. • Compile the Computer Carbon data into graphs and charts. • Present a plan to reduce the amount of CO2 their daily computer usage contributes. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • In class: 30-minute discussion plus 1-hour work session • How much carbon dioxide (CO2) does our use of • Homework: 30 minutes for research computers produce? • Presentations: 30 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the number of learners) ACTIVITIES FIRST SESSION: 1. Discussion: Ask learners to brainstorm what they use their devices for each day; include apps, websites, e-mail. • Show learners the data from The Carbon Almanac #340 Computing and Carbon; discuss which activities produce the most and least data. 2. As a class, create a 昀椀ctional learner and do a mock-up of their computer/device usage in a day. Calculate how much carbon this 昀椀ctional person would produce. HOMEWORK: 3. Instruct learners to record their computer/device usage for a day (including which websites/apps/games they use and for how long). ACTIVITES SECOND SESSION: 4. In class: Have learners determine how much CO2 their computer usage produces using the websites provided in the Almanac and the additional resources. 5. Using the mock learner from the previous day, demonstrate how to create a pie chart or bar graph of the data they collected (for younger learners) or have the learners work on their own to create a graph of their data (for older learners). 6. Using the data and charts the learners created, devise a plan to reduce the amount of CO2 their Internet usage contributes daily. This plan can be presented to a small group, the class, or the school. RESOURCES: T • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: Computing and Carbon, p.88/ 340 • Generation Carbon, An Almanac for Kids, ebook, p.10 - p.22 • The Internet’s Carbon Footprint Infographic, (or other relevant, up to date websites that provide energy usage of devices and websites) • Carbon Emissions Calculator 22

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