SECTION 3 - Here’s What’s True 6+, Arts, Economics, & Science Build a Carbon-Eating Machine AGE RANGE: 6+ SUBJECTS: Arts, Economics, & Science OBJECTIVES • De昀椀ne the terms: atom, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon cycle, consumption, decomposition, carbon sink, and respiration. • Imagine and then draw, or build out of blocks, paper, or clay a machine that would vacuum excess carbon from the Earth’s atmosphere and return it to the soil, plants, or other carbon sinks. • Write a commercial to promote the bene昀椀ts of using the carbon vacuuming machine. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 2, 2 hour sessions • What is carbon and why is it important ACTIVITIES: • Read, or or listen to the (4) articles then match the listed words to their de昀椀nitions • Learner draws or builds a model of their imagined carbon vacuum cleaner, then name, and label the parts of their machine, include a brief process description which includes type of fuel used, does it need an operator, are there any bi- products produced (e.g. water) • Break into teams of two or three learners: ʦ Each group of learners choose which machine they will promote ʦ Learners write a script and then produce a stop-motion animation, a video, or enact a 3 minutes commercial advertising the bene昀椀ts of using their chosen machine. ASSESSMENTS: • Perform or show their commercials to their class • Because their machines are imaginary, in a small or large group answer these questions: ʦ Can you think of any behaviors that can be done that would stop or slow down the production of greenhouse gases? (e.g. walk or ride a bike or scooter to school) ʦ Which of the behaviors from above can they do—as individuals, a class, in their families, as a school—that would slow down or cease the creation of greenhouse gases? ʦ Name 3 naturally occurring carbon sinks. Can you include one of those in your home? • Post all the ideas in the classroom T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: What is Carbon, p.40/011 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: How Much Carbon are We Talking About?, p.43/ 336 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: What is the Carbon Cycle?, p.44/ 012 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: Balance in the Earth’s Carbon Cycle, p.45/ 029 23