Worksheet: Write a Letter to Agar or Iniquilipi and Draw Your Own Mola We learned that Maya Angelou described the earth as a small but beautiful planet. She highlighted the wonders of the world. She brought attention to how humans are powerful beings, sometimes choosing to use their power to create war, and sometimes using their power to create peace. Pretend that you are Maya Angelou and the author of “A Brave and Startling Truth.” Imagining this, what do you think Maya Angelou would like to say to Agar and Iniquilipi about their mola sail? Be Maya Angelou and write a letter to either Agar or Iniquilipi. Include a quote from the poem and make sure to reference the mola sail. Sign the letter Maya Angelou. Now it is time to make your own mola. Using your web, decide on what form your Mola will take. Is it a traditional mola that is in the shape of a blouse, or is it an untraditional mola in the shape of a sail? Perhaps it is the shape of a soccer ball, or a book, or a tree. Use your web to help you choose a shape. Using the picture of the mola sail in The Carbon Almanac article “Indigenous Youth Represent Their Culture to Demand Action” and your web for inspiration, create your own mola in the space provided. Your goal is to create a mola that is unique to you. It should be a visual reminder that you are a powerful person– a person who lives Maya Angelou’s “Brave and Startling Truth.” 12

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