Worksheet Answer Key: Worksheet: Analyzing the Poem and the Article 1. List three or four choices that you can recall from yesterday in the box below. A: List three or four choices that you can recall from yesterday. Answers may vary. 2. Take a moment and review the stanzas, looking for references of the earth. How does the speaker, Maya Angelou, describe the planet? A: Small and lonely planet; minuscule and kithless globe; mote of matter; small and drifting planet; wayward, floating body 3. Consider the language Angelou uses to describe the earth. In your own words, write a sentence that sums up how she portrays the earth in this poem. A: Angelou describes the planet earth as solitary, aimless, and small. 4. In the sixth and seventh stanza, Angelou writes of the ‘wonders of the world’ and mentions speci昀椀c landmarks. In the box below, list three of these ‘wonders.’ A: Pyramids, Gardens of Babylon, Grand Canyon, Danube, Mount Fuji, Father Amazon, Mother Mississippi 5. Why does Maya Angelou say at the end of stanza 7 that “These are not the only wonders of the world”? What does she want the reader to realize? Include the line in the last stanza of the poem that answers this question. A: Maya is saying to the reader that the earth is beautiful, and that the people of the earth are beautiful too. She wants the reader to realize the potential that lives in each human. She is saying that people are the greatest wonders of the world. In the poem’s last stanza she says “We are the miraculous, the true wonder of this world.” 6. Consider the title of the poem “A Brave and Startling Truth.” Look at the answer above. Do you think it is brave to realize that you are a powerful being? Explain your answer. A: Opinion Answer Note: For the web/map Answers may vary 7. In your own words explain what “mola” might mean. A: Molas are simple yoke-type blouses richly decorated by intricate needlework. Mola can mean the blouse that is daily wear for Kuna (sometimes spelled Cuna) women but most often refers to its front or back panel. They have been made for about a century. 8. Knowing the above de昀椀nition, and learning that molas are usually clothing, form an opinion on why the mola in the article was in the shape of a sail. Please write your opinion in the box provided, using context clues to form your answer. Your answer could look something like this: “I believe that the learners in the article formed their mola in the shape of a sail because…” A: The text informs the reader that the majority of the Guna people live in the San Blas Islands located in the Caribbean Sea. In the next thirty years, the rising sea level may flood the islands. If this happens, the Guna people will have to leave the islands. 13