Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. What are TTiinny py pllaanntts as annd d aanniimamallss th thaatt fossil fuels? ccoontntaaiinn c caarrbboonn d diie.e. UUnnddeer tr thhe se saannd ad annd d CCrruudde oe oiil al annd nd naattuurraal l mmuudd, t, thhe de deeaad pd pllaanntts s ggaas as arre fe foorrmmeed ad annd d Fossils are the bones and parts of animals and anandd an aniimmalalss d deeccaayy.. ccoonnttaaiin ln lootts os of cf caarrbboonn.. plants that get turned into a special kind of rock. Like fossils, crude oil, coal, and natural gas are formed deep in the Earth from the remains of plants, animals, and other living things from long ago. This is why we call crude oil, coal, and natural gas fossil fuels. 12 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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