Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. How much carbon are people TThhiis is is ts thhe wee weiigghht ot of tf thhe ce caarrbboon en eaacch ph peerrssoon n GGooaal bl by 2y 2005500: r: reelleeaassee releasing? iin tn thhe Ue Unniitteed Sd Sttaattees rs reelleeaassees es eaacch yeh yeaarr.. tthhiis wes weiigghht ot of cf caarrbboonn.. Each American releases about 14 metric tons of People reducing their own carbon emissions every single year — that’s the carbon is helpful, but that won’t weight of 6,300 bricks! be enough. Scientists say we must reduce the carbon we’re releasing to the weight of only 440 bricks. We’ll need all kinds of teamwork, This will mean some BIG changes for all of us. inventions, and even new laws if we want to get to 440 bricks. We can make these changes if we work together. 15 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.