Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. t t ee rr cc ee e se s s os onn e a e a s is i t bt b hhii ’’ TT ddnn ll oouu !! hh ee oonn t st s yy aa eerr hh vv tt l el e Recycling eell . T. T tt ee rr cc ee ss needs to Most of us have seen the symbol and try to recycle as much as we can. be 昀椀xed. We want to let you in on a secret. Only 8 out of 100 plastic items we put in the recycling bin actually get recycled. This means the other 92 plastic items we place in the recycle bin are burned, or end up in land昀椀lls or the ocean. Recycling 8 bottles is way better than no recycling though! It takes 400 years to break down plastic. A super long time. As soon as we make one pile of plastic trash, a factory is busy making many more piles of plastic trash. How do factories make plastic? Yep, by burning fossil fuels and releasing even more greenhouse gases into the air. SSpprreeaad td thhiis ns neewwss: M: Moosst t Sandwich bags and water ppllaassttiic yc yoou pu puut it in a rn a reeccyycclliinng g bottles that only get used bbiin nn neevveer gr geetts rs reeccyycclleedd!! once? We need to stop using those right now. 32 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.