Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Food made from animals. Food made from animals is a big source of greenhouse gases. First, forests are cut down, so animals have land to graze. Cutting down trees releases carbon. And You have the power: now that trees are cut down, there are fewer - Choose a veggie burger instead of a beef trees to absorb carbon. burger in the cafeteria. You can still add all Then all the animals burp and fart the ketchup, pickles, and mustard you like! (a lot!). This releases methane, another - Drink plant-based milks like oat or soy heat-trapping gas. This makes our Earth instead of dairy. warmer and sets o昀昀 damaging weather. - Eat more plants: You don’t have to become Choosing to eat fruits and vegetables a complete vegetarian, unless you want to. instead of meat plays a big part in reducing - Just start by adding more fruits and veggies greenhouse gases. to your plate. 35 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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