Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. p p aa tt // kk cc ii ll y cy c ll d d mpmp nn SSii d ad a aa oo ll wwnn oo ee ee o do d rr tt hhe fe f t tt t nn ii !! prpr aardrd g gaammee Your most fun mission tool: bboo The Climate Quest Board Game. Here’s a fun way to teach adults about climate change: Invite them to play a game with you. And we have just - Make sure you have the one… about 15 minutes. Introducing Climate Quest, a simple board game - Best with 2-4 that will lead you down the path to a net-zero future. players, ages 7-11. Climate Quest takes you on a journey through - Play with adults to four big things that contribute to climate change: Food, teach them or with transportation, energy, and manufacturing. For each, friends just for fun! you’ll take climate actions and 昀椀nd out how they help or hurt our Earth. Ready to take the quest? Game time! 68 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.