Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. What is carbon? It’s inside a pencil, but it’s also in the air and in your body. Carbon is in just about everything. If we burn something with carbon in it, it’s released into the air and becomes a gas called carbon dioxide. You can see carbon when there’s smoke coming from a 昀椀re, but you can’t see it when it’s in the form of carbon dioxide. PPllaanntts as abbssoorrb cb caarrbboon dn diiooxxiidde ae annd cd chhaanngge e We’ve been burning a lot of carbon for about iit it inntto oo oxxyyggeen tn thhaat ht huummaanns cs caan bn brreeaatthhee. . the last hundred years, and now it’s become a BBuut tt thheey cy caann’’t ht haannddlle te thhe ae ammoouunnt ot of f huge problem. ccaarrbboon dn diiooxxiidde wee we’’rre re reelleeaassiinng bg by by buurrnniinng g ttooo mo muucch fh foossssiil fl fuueell.. 11 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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