Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. SSuunnlliigghht ct caan n ggo to thhrroouuggh th thhe e ggrereeennhhoouussee ga gasseess.. GGrereeennhhoouussee ga gasseess ssiit ht heerree, a, annd td trraap p hheeaat tt to mo maakke oe ouur r Greenhouse EEarartthh w wararmmeerr.. gases trap heat. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide act like the glass roof of a greenhouse. Carbon and other gases sit high above the Earth When people say “carbon” they could and allow sunlight to reach the Earth. mean any of these greenhouse gases: But they also trap the Sun’s heat like a - carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse roof. This is why we call them - methane (CH4) “ greenhouse gases.” - nitrous oxide (N2O) This trapped heat is what’s warming - water vapor up our Earth and triggering crazy weather. - fluorinated gases 19 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.