Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Plastic is everywhere. In your What does plastic shampoo bottle and sneakers. have to do with People buy lots of plastic items, o昀琀en without even thinking. To save our climate change? Earth we need companies to stop o昀昀ering so many plastic items. Plastic is made from fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide that warms our Earth. And, believe it or not, most plastic cannot be recycled even when you put it in a recycling bin. One solution is to ask companies to stop using and making plastic — you can usually 昀椀nd their email addresses on their company websites. Got a cut on your finger? Since most bandages are made with plastic, you’ll need to use one to stop the bleeding. WWhheen yn yoou wu weerre a ke a kiidd, w, weerre e tthheerre pe pllaassttiic sc sppoouutts os on n But wouldn’t it be great if companies cacarrddbbooaarrdd m mililkk ca carrttoonnss?? were only allowed to sell bandages n that didn’t harm our Earth? k a s Adult this: a 31 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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