Generation Carbon: It’s time to start. Balancing greenhouse gases. Imagine a see-saw or a scale. On the right of the scale: things that release greenhouse gases like trucks and plastic bottles. On the le昀琀 of the scale: things that soak up greenhouse gases like trees and oceans. If all the greenhouse gases released are removed by the trees and oceans, the scale balances, and we’ve WWhheen tn thhe le leefft at annd rd riigghht st siiddees os of tf thhe e reached net zero. By keeping the scale balanced, the ssccaalle ae arre ae at tt thhe se saamme le leevveell, t, thheey ay arre ie in n Earth stays healthy. bbaallaannccee, a, annd we hd we haavve re reeaacchheed nd neet zt zeerroo.. Right now, there are more greenhouse gases than our Earth can handle, so the scale is not balanced. Scientists want us to balance the scale by the year 2050. 42 | Check out The Carbon Almanac to learn more.

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