SECTION 2 - Climate Change for Rookies 8+, Science & Social Studies How to Live in a Carbon-Neutral World by 2050, OPT 1 SUBJECTS: AGE RANGE: 8+, 10+ Science & Social Studies OBJECTIVES • De昀椀ne the term “net zero.” • Imagine one small step learners can take as individuals to reach net zero and imagine one bigger step their family, school, town, village, neighborhood can take to reach net zero. • Create and share artwork of how learners imagine the future will look at net zero. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 1-2 hours • Impact of human behavior on climate ACTIVITIES FOR AGES 8 - 10: • Read The 10 daily scenes in 2050 as described in “Climate change for Rookies: What is net zero Emissions?” (15 minutes) • Discuss and brainstorm (Can be done as clas or break into small groups) the ways that we as individuals and then as a community contribute to the carbon footprint—not being carbon neutral. • Each learner draws or paints to illustrate their vision of a net zero future and then displays their work. • After viewing the displayed drawing and paintings, as a group discuss and analyze the gap between life today and the vision of life in 2050. To keep the discussion moving in a positive direction, ask the learners what steps they think need to happen to make net zero a reality. ACTIVITIES FOR AGES 10+: • Read “Net-zero living: How your day will look in a carbon-neutral world” and “Climate Change for Rookies: Climate Change actions from large to small - in layout” (15 minutes) • Discuss and brainstorm in one group or in small groups ways we as individuals and then as a community contribute to the carbon footprint—not being carbon neutral. • Learners choose a scene or write a simple script with 10 scenes in total to draw a graphic novel/cartoon-style presentation with a storyline demonstrating the learner’s vision of a net zero future in 2050 and how to create that. These graphic novels can be on paper or electronic. • Share examples of graphic novels and zines for inspiration. ASSESSMENT: • This is a very experiential and kinesthetic integration of complex ideas and concepts. Some of the learners may think of themselves as bad at drawing. Encourage everyone to give it a try. Make it clear the assessment is not based on their drawing ability. What you are looking for is content in their presentations and how well they understand what is being presented in the articles. Encourage them to explain to you in their own words what net zero means. • Share their work with their classmates, families and the school at large. RESOURCES: T • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: What is Net Zero, p.30-31/ 755 • The Carbon Almanac - Climate Change for Rookies: Climate Change Actions from Large to Small, p.36-37/ 757 • Net-zero living: How your day will look in a carbon-neutral world • Art materials 15