SECTION 1 - The Beginning 8+, Literature & Science Dictionary AGE RANGE: 8+ SUBJECTS: Literature & Science OBJECTIVES • To match the correct de昀椀nition with its word • To use one of the words from The Carbon Almanac in a sentence • To have fun DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: • 15 -20 minutes at a minimum. • Creating a shared vocabulary about the topic of • Note: This activity works best with 10 learners. An changing climate. explanation for adapting to a larger group is below. Let’s have some fun. We’re going to play a game. ACTIVITIES • Play Dictionary (see how-to below) • Write or say a sentence using the chosen word from The Carbon Almanac. • Laugh HOW TO PLAY DICTIONARY • Using the article: “Climate Change for Rookies” from The Carbon Almanac 1. Choose several key words like carbon, ecology, climate, etc. 2. Write each word on a small piece of paper. 3. Put those pieces of paper into a hat, or box, or bag. 4. Choose a learner who will randomly pull out one word/piece of paper. 5. The learner reads the word out to the group. 6. Everyone, including the learner who chose the word, writes what they think the de昀椀nition of that word is on a piece of paper 7. Everyone puts their made-up de昀椀nition papers in another container 8. Educator puts in a paper with the correct de昀椀nition 9. Read out the de昀椀nitions (you or the learner who chose the word) 10. The group votes on which de昀椀nition they think is correct 11. Educator announces which one is the correct de昀椀nition. 12. Have learners use the word from the Almanac in a sentence–writing it or saying it to a partner or sharing with the group. 13. Repeat steps 4 - 12 as many times as you choose OPTIONS FOR ADAPTING FOR A LARGE GROUP A. Break into smaller groups if you have another adult/leader who can run the second group B. Keeping your group together as a whole, the leader will have to read only a few of the learners’ de昀椀nitions, making sure the correct de昀椀nition is read along with the made-up de昀椀nitions. T RESOURCE LIST: • Copy of The Carbon Almanac • The Carbon Almanac - Introduction: Facts and Definitions, p.26/ 756 • Paper and pencils or pens 7