SECTION 6 - Solutions 10+, Math, Science, & Economics , PART A I Didn’t Eat the Whole Thing AGE RANGE: 10+ Math, Science, & Economics SUBJECTS: OBJECTIVES PART A • De昀椀ne the following terms: greenhouse gas, food waste, climate change, portion. • Examine personal food consumption and waste (this can be done for one meal, like breakfast or lunch by using the matrix below, or learners can track what they consumed and what was left over for a week–one matrix per day). • Assess current eating habits and choose an alternative strategy for lowering the amount of food sent to the land昀椀ll. DURATION ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • 50-minute session • Food makes up the largest percentage of land昀椀lls; composting is part of the solution to lower greenhouse gas production. ACTIVITIES: PREPARATION/HOMEWORK: • Learners read, or listen to someone read, the articles listed (doing this as preparation/homework for this unit relieves the stress on the slower readers or the educator can choose to carve out time within the unit to ask learners to read the articles.) DISCUSSION (10 MINUTES) • Play the Dictionary activity in Section 1, using only terms that apply to this subject. The aim is to create a common language to be used throughout this unit. INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP ACTIVITY (10 MINUTES) (if you have younger learners who will have di昀케culty 昀椀lling out and doing the math involved, you can choose to do this as a large group activity). • Each learner 昀椀lls out the table/matrix listing what they ate so far today. Each item listed (e.g. bread, mayonnaise, apple) is given 10 points. • In groups, learners share how much of the food they were given ended up as waste and how much in compost.(Example: only 1/2 the apple was eaten, so 5 points goes in the eaten column, & 5 goes in the not eaten column. Then depending on what happened to the other half of that apple, those 5 points will end up in compost or land昀椀ll.) • Learners brainstorm ways to lower their number in the waste/land昀椀ll column and raise their number in the composting column. This exercise is meant to create a direct link for them between their choices and the world they wish to help preserve. SHARE OUT (10 MINUTES) • Come back together as a larger group and share “aha” learnings with the entire class. ASSESSMENT (15 MINUTES) • Each learner writes up a personal strategy. They should include: • What motivated them to make this choice, which will serve to remind them that their choices have consequences. • Rate themselves on how successful they think they will be at making this change. T RESOURCES: • The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Composting, p.212/ 260 • The Carbon Almanac - Here’s What’s True: Agriculture and Meat Production’s Role in Climate Change, p.76/ 022 • The Carbon Almanac - Solutions: Food Waste and Food Loss, p.201/ 031 • Worksheet: Eating Habits 38

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