Worksheet: Environmental Report Card; Pass or Fail?P2 Draw a picture in the space provided of an energy-e昀케cient (small footprint) way your character(s) traveled, making sure to include a depiction of the setting (time and place) in your illustration. Food: Food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. Ask yourself: Did your main character(s) consume food? When was food mentioned in your literary work? Was this food processed and packaged, like chips and candy bars? Did it create waste? That creates a big carbon footprint since it is made in a factory that pollutes the environment, and also ends up in a land昀椀ll. Perhaps the food was prepared in a restaurant, or in a home. Can you guess or do you know how the food was cooked? Was the food gathered from a home garden or foraged in the woods? List the times food is mentioned. Did the food create a large carbon footprint or a small carbon footprint? Go back to The Carbon Almanac article and think about your list. Once you get your thoughts together, write two or three sentences that support your opinion. Your answer could look something like this… “In the novel/short story ___________ the food mentioned was prepackaged and made in factories, which indicates they created a large carbon footprint. An example from the literary work that supports this idea is ____________________________.” Draw a picture in the space provided of a time where food is mentioned in your novel and indicate through your illustration if the food created a large or small carbon footprint. 53

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