“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin EDUCATORS ARE THE GATEKEEPERS OF TOMORROW. Through you, this planet’s children learn how to navigate and improve our complex world. Welcome to the Educators’ Guide. It’s written for educators, parents and supporters of youth. You belong to a group of curious, creative and committed minds who want to help our children save our planet. The Carbon Almanac has been designed to aid you in this monumental endeavor. The activities that follow are meant to inspire your learners to take action, and create a sustainable future…one decision at a time. Learners become overwhelmed by stories about climate change and traumatized by living through events caused by climate change such as tornadoes, wild昀椀res, tsunamis and shoreline erosion. Stories, pictures and videos are everywhere: on social media, in the news and in their classrooms. The Carbon Almanac is the 昀椀rst book that explains everything a learner needs to know about global warming using easy explanations based on facts, not opinions. Some activities directly address these learners’ growing anxiety about their future. This Educators’ Guide will help you con昀椀dently incorporate The Carbon Almanac into your climate-related curriculum. Climate change is a serious subject and consequently, The Carbon Almanac is a serious read; but, it will also engage and take you and your learners down a path of fun and empowerment. “Every adventure requires a 昀椀rst step.” The Cheshire Cat Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll (Note: We’ve left an invitation for you at the end of the activities. We hope you accept our o昀昀er.) Your partners of The Carbon Almanac Education Team 2

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