SECTION 5 - Impacts ,P2 Climate Anxiety ACTIVITES CONTINUED: WRITING ASSIGNMENT: (learner does this individually) • Pick a person to write to. This could be someone you know, a celebrity, or a 昀椀ctional character. • Think about how they might feel about climate change. Are they feeling fear? Anger? Hope? • Write to them about the issue in a way that inspires them to want to take positive action. VISUAL ARTS ASSIGNMENT - HOMEWORK: • individually create a piece of art (drawing, painting, collage, cartoon, sketch) that shows how you might 昀椀nd comfort and inspiration daily in the natural world. It can be an imaginary place, a park in your neighborhood, your backyard, or from a picture you saw--a poster, or a movie. A reminder that it is ok to be uncomfortable or feel anxious if it moves people forward. HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION: • Notice if this conversation or information from the almanac creates a feeling of stress or anxiety for learners. • This takes di昀昀erent forms; some will get angry or hyper, others will curl up and not want to hear anymore. • Try working through the simple Brain Integration activities to get learners moving and ready to receive information. These are activities that can be carried forward to your work with any section of the almanac that makes learners uncomfortable. Note: The simple Brain Integration activities mentioned above can be found by using the link in the resource section: Exercises for Brain Integration and Stress Management. RESOURCES: T • The Carbon Almanac - Impacts: Eco-Anxiety, p.154/ 061 • Exercises for Brain Integration and Stress Management 30

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