EDUCATORS’ RESOURCE LIST The Carbon Almanac Education Team has compiled extensive resources for educators working in many di昀昀erent settings. Included are educators’ guides, websites, videos, podcasts, books, and lesson plans. Resources are organized by resource type. Below is a sample of resources available. See for the full list. EDUCATIONAL GUIDES/CURRICULA: • Guide - Talking to Kids about Climate Change: Top Tips to Explain Causes, E昀昀ects and Solutions | • OVO Energyfects and Solutions | OVO Energy - Explanations and a list of activities to help make the situation real to kids, without it being frightening. • Howtosmile - Science and Math Informal Learning Educators (SMILE): Free math and science activities for all ages. For anyone teaching and leading in informal learning environments. • Climate Education For Everyone - From the World’s Largest Lesson: “There’s a growing movement to formalize climate and environmental education for everyone and your learners can be part of making this change happen.” INSTITUTIONS & COURSES: • Top Climate Change Courses - Coursera - This online learning platform has several courses about Climate Change for all levels (beginners to advanced), from institutions such as The World Bank Group, Yale University and the University of Copenhagen. • Climate Change Online Courses, Classes, & Lessons - edX - Founded by Harvard and MIT, this online platform has climate change courses for all levels from top international institutions. • NASA Climate Change - Facts, graphics, and multimedia for educators, and the public in general from a special arm of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US). Some content available in Spanish. CHILDREN-FOCUSED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: • Children’s Environment Quizzes - Free downloadable PDF worksheets and quizzes about global warming and climate change for kids 8 - 12. • Kids Science Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Global Warming? - A compelling kids quiz from 8 Billion Trees, which carries out large-scale tree planting and tree conservation operations to fuel positive environmental change and defend habitats for animals. BOOKS & VIDEOS: • Best Children’s Books About Climate Change - Listopia/Goodreads collection of top 15 books written for children about climate change and global warming. • Crash Course Kids - Climate Change - Online grade school science channel on YouTube. This episode explores how one small change in an ecosystem can a昀昀ect everything. GAMES: • Climate game -From Games4Sustainability, an interactive online game that teaches about climate issues. Players settle on an uninhabited island covered by green trees and thick forests, harvest, use and plant trees, and manage income to develop island infrastructure. Players must be aware that actions have consequences! • ClimateScience | Learn About Climate Solutions - An app available on GooglePlay o昀昀ering quizzes, courses, articles and infographics with simple explanations and illustrations. Rated E for Everyone. VOLUNTEERING & ACTIVISM: • Earth Guardians - Organization that trains and empowers youth to be e昀昀ective leaders. Using art, music, storytelling, on the ground projects, civic engagement, and legal action, they advance solutions to the critical issues at the intersections of environmental and climate justice. • 7 Climate and Environmental Volunteer Projects for Teens - From We Are Teachers, ideas for clean-up, habitat restoration, planting food, and other simple yet impactful projects. 65