12+, Arts, Literature, & Social Studies Carbon Celebrity AGE RANGE: 12+ SUBJECTS: Arts, Literature, & Social Studies OBJECTIVES • Using platforms like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube to create TED Talk-style presentations about a topic in The Carbon Almanac that you are concerned or inspired by. DURATION: ENDURING UNDERSTANDING • This is an extensive project-based activity. You the • Using my voice responsibly to make a positive impact educator must decide how much class time you will on something I care about. devote to this unit. Minimum time requirements would be 90 minutes per day for a week. Many school districts require that learners practice public speaking to their peers once a year. This assignment would allow the learner to pick a platform that they enjoy and a topic from The Carbon Almanac that they want to explore and tell more people about. Note: This activity could also be done simply as a presentation in front of a class without the social media component. ACTIVITIES: • As a group make a list of topics from The Carbon Almanac that you’d like to share with others (write the list on the board or on a large piece of paper) • Next to each topic say why you want to share it (this is also done in a group) The learners need to be divided into production teams, educator decide how you want to accomplish this. Production teams should be no larger than 3 learners per team. A team could be determined by a common interest or topic from the almanac. • Team Meetings • Objective for this 昀椀rst meeting is to choose the one idea they will focus on. • Future meetings will work on script writing and story boarding as prep. Eventually these meetings will be working on production issues of costume, location scouting, equipment, and so forth. Finally leading to 昀椀lming and editing. • Presentation of work to class (and others: school assemblies. Depending on school policy the learners could consider uploading their work to a social media platform using the hashtags #CarbonAlmanacLearning#EDUCarbonAlmanac ) ASSESSMENT: • Learner self-assessment and re昀氀ection: Why did you choose the subject that you did? List three important things that you learned. What changes have you made as a result of this assignment? SHARING AND ASSESSMENT: • If exhibits and presentations are possible, make plans as a group and identify timeline, audiences, etc. • The sharing can be for a class audience, the whole school, etc. depending on chosen scope. RESOURCES: T • The Carbon Almanac, any article • Generation Carbon, An Almanac for Kids eBook • Access to social media, or view on a projector or TV screen in class • Recording equipment /smart phones • Laptops • Tripod for holding phones 56